Case Study: How DotTV Helped DotTV Helped a European Cable Operator Replace Its Legacy Set-Top Box platform

Android TV solution

Executive summary

This case study explores how a European cable provider with nearly 500,000 customers successfully replaced its legacy Set-top Box (STB) platform with a future-proof AndroidTV Operator-Tier hybrid solution, integrated with the DotTV app. The new platform enabled the operator to modernize its service delivery, improve user experience, and streamline operations while avoiding significant upfront costs.

Client background

The client is a well-established European cable provider, offering a range of services including TV and video, internet access, telephone, and mobile data to nearly 500,000 customers. The operator's core TV services were delivered via a mix of DVB for its HFC network, IPTV for GPON, and OTT for other customers.


The operator relied on Linux-based Set-top Boxes with a proprietary software stack to deliver TV and video services to most of its subscriber base. However, these STBs were becoming increasingly difficult to supply due to the unavailability of SoCs (System on Chips). The proprietary software stack was reaching its end-of-life, making maintenance and further development challenging. The operator needed a hardware and software solution that could replace the legacy STBs and provide a future-proof upgrade that would seamlessly serve its diverse network infrastructure.


The operator decided to deploy a new AndroidTV Operator-Tier hybrid (DVB/IP) Set-top Box, integrated with the DotTV app. This solution allowed the operator to cover all its customers, regardless of their network type (HFC, GPON, OTT), and to smoothly transition away from the legacy STBs. The rollout of the new STBs introduced a modernized user experience with TV-centric features like channel zapping, program guides, and channel lists, implemented according to the best industry standards. Additionally, the platform offered a host of advanced functionalities, including voice control, access to premium video services, video casting, and user profiles.
The DotTV solution stood out from competitors by offering:
- Comprehensive coverage of all network scenarios (DVB+IPTV+OTT)
- A manageable implementation process suitable for a tier-2 operator
- No significant STB volume commitment, making it an economical choice

Implementation process

The implementation process was meticulously planned and executed, involving several key steps:
1. Application Branding: Customization of colors, logos, and overall branding to align with the operator's identity.
2. Integration with AndroidTV Set-top Box: Focused on seamless DVB and IPTV playback.
3. Integration with Existing TV & VoD Backend: Ensured compatibility with the operator's existing infrastructure.
4. Certifications: Successfully obtained necessary certifications from Google and other relevant bodies to ensure that the solution met all regulatory and technical standards. This step was critical in guaranteeing the reliability and performance of the platform.
5. Beta Rollout Among Friendly Users: A pilot phase to gather feedback and fine-tune the platform.
6. Full Rollout: Gradual deployment across the entire customer base.

Results and outcomes

The customer successfully launched a modern TV platform without incurring significant upfront costs. The new platform is on track to reach 50,000 users, with highly positive reviews highlighting its enhanced user experience and advanced features.


For tier-2 operators, serving fragmented networks with modern TV platforms is increasingly challenging due to stagnant video ARPUs and the high costs typically associated with new solutions. DotTV addresses these issues by offering a comprehensive, scalable, and cost-effective solution that meets the needs of operators and their customers.

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